GINA GO is a communication and field data collection app with an emergency (SOS) button improving coordination of staff and increasing their safety. GINA GO is designed for mobile phones. Functionality on tablets is not guaranteed. The app is most helpful to the aid and emergency workers and is designed to be used in combination with other GINA products (learn more on + SOS button + location tracking (switched off by default*) + live map with tracked users + group chat + field data collectionRegistration--------------------The app is designed to work along with GINA Central client where also the user accounts are managed. Please contact your GINA System Administrator or
[email protected] to get your account.Handling the Emergency----------------------------------------Pressing the SOS button raises an alarm in GINA System which is received by connected operators and other GINA GO users (if enabled). The operators are members of organization typically using some other client application (e.g. GINA Central) and can be notified about the alert also by email or SMS.*Note that pressing the SOS button enables the location tracking which can be turned off on the Settings tab. Also note, that for the safety reasons the GINA System Operator can set the emergency status remotely and so turn on the location tracking. The GINA GO users are notified about such event.Customization------------------------The app is designed to serve the specific organizations needs. Therefore, the GINA System Administrator can choose which features of GINA GO are available to the end-users (including which tabs are shown). So in some cases the GINA GO can be as simple as only SOS button app or as field reporting app.Data & Battery Consumption---------------------------------------------As long as the location tracking is off, the app doesnt send any data or do any work in the background. The location tracking feature itself is designed to minimize the data and battery consumption and the tracking frequency can be configured by GINA System Administrator.Working Offline-------------------------GINA GO is designed to work in situations without the Internet connectivity. So it safely remembers the users credentials and records all the emergency, tracking and field reporting data so they can be submitted to the server once the connectivity is established.Learn More-------------------Please visit our website and learn more about our products or contact us via available contact form.